Restaurant Genie will help your restaurant

Save Time
Restaurant Genie will save you time by automatically aggregating your data so that you can focus your time in your restaurants instead of on your data.

Reduce Costs
Restaurant Genie helps you lower your costs by highlighting operational inefficiencies in your systems.

Uncover New Revenue
Restaurant Genie helps you uncover new revenue opportunities using proprietary insights tools.
How it Works
Restaurant Genie Simplifies the Complex
Aggregates Data across All Sources and Restaurants
Restaurant Genie is simple to use. It will automatically aggregate your data from labor to loyalty and import it all into an easy-to-use dashboard accessible on any device.
Generates Reports into a Proprietary Dashboard
Once the data has been aggregated, Restaurant Genie imports it into a proprietary dashboard so that you can see it all in one place. From a dropdown, you can choose exactly what to view.
Provides Insights Uncovered within Your Data
Many valuable insights go undiscovered because they are buried deep within the data and no one has the time to find them. Restaurant Genie will highlight insights to help you uncover new revenue streams.
Let Restaurant Genie Help Drive Your Restaurant's Profit and Performance
Benchmark and analyze trends to identify risks and business impact of current performance
Quickly assess performance implications of promotions or operational changes
Automatically generate key insights based on data correlation
No more generic reports - Restaurant Genie illuminates opportunities utilizing intelligent analysis.

All Your Data in a
Customized Dashboard
Accessible on Any Device
Brand Daily Scorecard
Period Sales Report
Brand Weekly Scorecard
Marketing Loyalty Report
Marketing LTO
Executive Period Performance
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